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The Silver Linings Playbook: Review

Reblogged from Bookloving author and publisher:

Shatter Me

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi

3 Good Things…

1) Juliette is KICK ASS! – I thought that this book closely emulated a Hunger Games-esque vibe, especially in Juliette’s character. Can I just say, when she gets her hands on that gun…. Just. YES!

2) The narrative is beautiful – It is so descriptive and there is a certain something in the way Mafi writes which keeps you reading for hours on end; I could hardly put it down!

3) The Characters are, simply put, phenomenal. You feel as though you are watching the story from the same room and as though you know the characters personally. The description of each and every character in the book is totally different and individual and has obviously had so much thought and care put into their portrayal.


*Bonus Points* Again, this book had wonderfully short and captivating chapters, which, as you will know, always gets bonus points in my books! (pardon the pun)


2 Bad Things…

1) The use of triplets can get rather annoying – Although this book is written beautifully, Mafi has a tendency to use triplets of the same word for effect. I know this could be symbolic of the way in which Juliette’s thoughts cycle round in her head, but, frankly, when reading, it takes away from the literary effect after a few uses. However this did not deter me from the novel in any way as I simply learnt to read the triplets once and ignore the rest.

2) Adam is not a real person. Read it and you will know my pain. *Boys in books*


Star Rating…

It looks like we have another 5 stars on our hands!***** Wonderfully written and genuinely one of the best books I’ve ever read! I can’t wait to read the sequel

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

3 Good Things…

1) Augustus Walters – I am pretty sure you will fall in love with this character as I did! Although his is not nearly as ‘generically hot’ as Noah Shaw (if you don’r know who he is, you will soon) but he is really sweet and genuine and at times, downright sexy. I loved his personality and how he was really geeky but really attractive too.

2. The Narrative – Whilst challenging at times, the narrative was truly beautiful. It was so observant and reflected the theme of the ‘universe’ demanding acknowledgment that so frequently occurs in the book. Very vivid and moving.

3. The Philosophical Factor – Now I’m not always a great lover of ‘Cancer Books’ as they can sometimes be all the same and, whilst you have to admire and respect people diagnosed with these illnesses, they can sometimes be a ‘wallowing-in-self-pity’ kind of affair. This book, however, was written so well that it managed to make me think about my life and the world in ways that made me appreciate what I have and made me look at ‘pain’ in a new light without making me want to fall into a perpetual pit of pathos and sadness. This book is aptly described by Jodi Picoult as “Electric… Filled with staccato bursts of humour and tragedy” – which I feel is an extremely eloquent and apt way to sum up this book; meaningful and tragic whist still being entertaining and lighthearted. It made me realise that Cancer sufferers are no different to normal people, in retrospect.


2 Bad Things…

1. It took me a while to read- I don’t know whether this is because I have had a lot going on recently which has taken its toll on my reading time or whether it is because it is a relatively lengthy book (when I say lengthy I just mean that it is quite heavy going, it’s only 316 pages) I loved that it was philosophical but at times I lost it a little bit. However, this may be due to my lack of time and the fragmented reading pattern in which I read it.

2. The chapters were a little lengthy at times, but the superb plot and unbelievably good characterisation made up for it. (I literally felt like the characters were real, especially Isaac)


Star Rating…

****/* 4.5/5 StarsOverall I loved this book! The characters were phenomenally developed and I loved that it made me think about life and pain and just the universe in general.

The Pledge

The Pledge - Kimberly Derting

3 Good Things…

1. It is so beautifully written- The way that Kimberly Dertin writes is just captivating and keeps you reading avidly.

2. Narrative- I was a little sceptical about the multiple simultaneous narratives at first as, long story short, I had a bad experience with multiple narratives last summer, but this book has truly restored my faith in them! Unlike the awful book I read last summer, the narratives are really clear and the characters are so well painted!

3. Plot – I won’t say too much on this as I don’t want to ruin it for y’all but in three words I would describe the plot as gripping, twisting and phenomenal. I just loved that it was set in the future but with a monarchy and the seriously epic plot twists.


2 Bad Things…

1. It kept me up so late I almost missed the bus the next morning

2. Maybe a little slow in the teeny historical background of Ludania, but it makes the story full and is kind of necessary so that’s just me being knit-picky.Overall I loved this book the plot is just amazing and I would highly reccomend it, so, I am proud to give it…


Star Rating…

*****5 stars!