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Tree. Paper. Book

Welcome to my shelves! My name is Daniella.

That is all until the sequel.

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Shatter Me

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi

3 Good Things…

1) Juliette is KICK ASS! – I thought that this book closely emulated a Hunger Games-esque vibe, especially in Juliette’s character. Can I just say, when she gets her hands on that gun…. Just. YES!

2) The narrative is beautiful – It is so descriptive and there is a certain something in the way Mafi writes which keeps you reading for hours on end; I could hardly put it down!

3) The Characters are, simply put, phenomenal. You feel as though you are watching the story from the same room and as though you know the characters personally. The description of each and every character in the book is totally different and individual and has obviously had so much thought and care put into their portrayal.


*Bonus Points* Again, this book had wonderfully short and captivating chapters, which, as you will know, always gets bonus points in my books! (pardon the pun)


2 Bad Things…

1) The use of triplets can get rather annoying – Although this book is written beautifully, Mafi has a tendency to use triplets of the same word for effect. I know this could be symbolic of the way in which Juliette’s thoughts cycle round in her head, but, frankly, when reading, it takes away from the literary effect after a few uses. However this did not deter me from the novel in any way as I simply learnt to read the triplets once and ignore the rest.

2) Adam is not a real person. Read it and you will know my pain. *Boys in books*


Star Rating…

It looks like we have another 5 stars on our hands!***** Wonderfully written and genuinely one of the best books I’ve ever read! I can’t wait to read the sequel